Teaching Pedagogy
Jeffrey Ritter, Georgetown Law, Mapping the Law: Building and Using Visual Mindmaps for Legal Education
Sydney Beckman, Lincoln Mem. Univ., Duncan School of Law, Using Technology for Engagement and Assessment
Shawn Marie Boyne, Indiana University, Robert H. McKinney School of Law, Teaching Through Simulations
Brett Johnson, Harvard Law School, H2O Project: Remixing the Casebook
Warren Binford, Willamette University College of Law, How to Be the World's Best Law Professor
Renee Allen, Florida A&M University College of Law, “Metacognition and the Value of Reflection in Learning”
Doni Gewirtzman, New York Law School, “Teaching and Theater: The Craft of Law Teaching”
Victoria Szymczak, University of Hawaii – Richardson Sch. of Law, “Using Video to Convert Student Into Teachers”.
Christine P. Bartholomew, SUNY Buffalo Law School: “Finding Time”
Elizabeth Keyes, University of Baltimore School of Law: “Teaching Narrative”
John M. Bickers, N. Kentucky University: Chase College of Law: “How Non-Bar Tested Electives Can Teach Lawyering”
Debora L. Threedy, University of Utah, S.J. Quinney College of Law: “Flipping Contracts: The Making of the Videos”
Vicenç Feliú, Villanova University School of Law: “Clinics and Librarians Collaborating”
James G. Milles, SUNY Buffalo Law: "Returning the Client to Legal Education"
Aaron Dewald, University of Utah School of Law, Improving Presentations With Learning Sciences, part 1
Kim Hawkins, New York Law School, What Law Professors Need to Know About Visual Arts
Margaret Hahn-Dupont, Northeastern University School of Law, Learning Through Reflection and Self-Assessment
Dan Jackson, Northeastern Univ. Sch. of Law: “Designing Lawyers: Leading an Experiential Law School Design Lab”
John Joergensen, Rutgers University School of Law (Newark), Scaffolding
Jeremiah Ho, University of Mass. School of Law, Not Your Father's Case Method
Michele Gilman, Univ. of Balt. Sch. of Law “Why Use Clickers? To Provide Students Real Time Feedback”
Leah Wortham, The Catholic Univ. Columbus Sch. of Law, “Student Motivation and Sense of Well Being”
Victoria Duke, Indiana Tech Law School on Bringing Exercises into Large Classes
Jennifer Rosa, Michigan State Univ., College of Law: “Legal Writing on Steroids: The Art of Flipping Your Classroom”
Wes Reber Porter, Golden Gate University School of Law: “A Better Class to Class Process to Accompany Flipping”
Jamie R. Abrams, University of Louisville, Louis D. Brandeis School of Law: “The Socratic Method, Revisited”
William Slomanson, Thomas Jefferson School of Law: “Why Flip? & Macro Design”
Michele Pistone, Villanova University School of Law, “Why Law School Needs to Change"
Aaron Dewald, University of Utah School of Law, Improving Presentations With Learning Sciences, part 2
Professor Michele Pistone, Villanova University School of Law & Professor Beryl Blaustone, CUNY Law School, Teaching 21st Century Law Students: Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose
Professor Andrea Curcio, Georgia State University School of Law, Assessing Ourselves as Law Professors
Professor Frank Valdes, University of Miami School of Law, LatCrit and the Legal Academy
Aaron Dewald, University of Utah School of Law, Center for Innovation in Legal Education, Why Flip/Blend a Law School Classroom?
Professors Stefan Krieger and Theodor Liebmann, Hofstra University School of Law, Teaching Storytelling
Professor Michele Pistone, Villanova University School of Law, The Future of Higher Education
Professor Laurie Levenson, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, A Better Way to Teach Law School